Gemma Tripp

Gemma graduated with a Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours) from the University of Queensland. Her past involvement in soccer and futsal led to numerous sports-related injuries, sparking her desire to aid others in staying active. While she enjoys working with a wide variety of clients, she holds a particular interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Outside of work, Gemma dedicates much of her free time to the gym and meal preparation. She finds joy in attending concerts and festivals, favouring drum and bass, techno and house music genres, though she listens to almost anything. To unwind, she likes to read or go on mindful walks with her dog at sunset.

Her primary goal is to assist clients in achieving their fitness and life aspirations while improving their confidence to exercise. Gemma emphasizes the importance of dismantling barriers and implementing manageable steps to cultivate enduring habits. By aiming to understand her clients’ motivations, she tailors treatments to align with their goals, ensuring that exercise feels meaningful and is an enjoyable experience, all while promoting the notion that ‘consistency is key!

Gemma is available for exercise physiology consults at our Chermside and Wynnum clinics.