Opening Hours
Mon - Wed: 8am - 4pm | Thurs: 8am โ€“ 4:30pm | Fri: 8am โ€“ 4pm | Sat & Sun: Closed
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Sports and Spinal Physio


physiotherapy services


204 Main StBeenleigh QLD 4207


Beenleigh Sports & Spinal is located in the heart of Beenleigh. We can be found within the Main Street Medical & Dental Centre. conveniently located near Eagleby, Waterford, Loganlea,ย Crestmead,ย Daisy Hill, Ormeau,ย Pimpama,ย Windaroo,ย Shailer Park,ย Edens Landing,ย Holmview andย Loganholme.

Sports & Spinal Physiotherapists use hands-on treatment and exercise therapy to manage a wide variety of injuries and complex pains.

Our Physiotherapists are passionate about providing the latest in evidence-based practice combined with their clinical experience to ensure their patients receive the best possible care and advice.

We treat various conditions. Including; shoulder, neck and back pain, sporting injuries, lower limb conditions, headaches, work cover incidents, pre and post-surgical, motor vehicle accidents and more.

Sports & Spinal works closely with General Practitioners, Specialists, and other allied health professionals to plan and manage your treatment.

At Sports & Spinal, we pride ourselves on our Physiotherapists treating specific injuries and areas of the body.

Beenleigh Sports & Spinal is NDISย registered and accepts Medicare rebates and HICAPS health fund claims. EFTPOS and credit card facilities are also available for payment.ย 

Back pain is ranked globally as the leading cause of disability. It is estimated that 70-90% of people will suffer from back pain at some stage in their lives.
Our Physiotherapists can identify factors causing and contributing to your pain and develop an individualised program to assist you in your rehabilitation and restrengthening.

Most cases of lower back pain respond well to the hands-on type of treatments such as manual therapy and exercise prescription.
Manual therapy can include massage and joint mobilisations and manipulations. Our Physiotherapists will tailor an individualised home-based exercise prescription which typically involves a range of mobility exercises, strengthing exercises and a gradual return to activities.

Our Physiotherapists can also use treatments such as taping, acupuncture, TENS, heat or ice pack.

Our Physiotherapists have a comprehensive knowledge of foot and ankle biomechanics and can effectively treat a wide range of foot and lower limb injuries, including:
Achilles Tendon pain, Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Post-Surgical Rehabilitation, Acute Sprains & Strains, Muscle Dysfunction, Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy and Ligament Injury.

Your Sports & Spinal Physiotherapist will provide you with long term solutions for your recovery and tailor your treatment plan to your history, injury and physical goals.
Your rehabilitation exercises are designed to quicken your recovery and build strength to prevent further injury. This may involve seeing a podiatrist, modifying footwear, or a combination of stretching, taping, and specific rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the foot and ankle structures.

Knee Pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, with many causes ranging from acute meniscal tears to ACL rupture and more long term osteoarthritic changes.
An appropriately structured rehabilitation program will get you back in action faster, safer and doing what you do best!
Our Physiotherapists can help your knee issues, whether it is by increasing the range of movements, strengthening the muscles, releasing soft tissue restrictions, bracing or strapping, reducing inflammation and activity modification.
Many of our patients also decide to opt for โ€˜pre-habilitation, attending Physiotherapy preoperatively to optimise their chances of the best possible outcomes.
Sports and Spinal therapists will work closely with your General Practitioner or Orthopaedic Specialist to ensure you receive ideal management for your individual condition.

Whether itโ€™s returning to the football field, getting ready for your annual ski holiday, making it around 18holes, or simply helping achieve your personal goals of improved mobility, our therapists will get you moving!

Hip pain and joint injury are common for all age groups. The hip joint and its integration with your pelvis, SIJ and lumbar spine (lower back) make it a complex region to correctly analyse and assess any dysfunction.
Many factors can cause hip pain. Often, you may start feeling hip pain for no apparent reason. Sometimes recreation or sports puts a repetitive strain on the hip, causing pain.
Lower limb biomechanics involving your knee, foot and ankle, plus your thigh and calf muscles, can also affect your hip function due to your hip being a major weight-bearing joint. The hip is responsible for functional activities like walking, running, rising from sitting, and climbing stairs. Pain in the hip can limit these activities.
Your Sports & Spinal physiotherapist will spend the time with you to fully assess the origin of your hip pain and investigate whether it is a hip joint, muscular, nerve or biomechanics issue. Through careful analysis and assessment, we can identify your issue and any associated knock-on effects, relieve your pain and minimise your chance of recurrence.

The neck contains a complex network of nerves, blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. Because the neck contains so many structures and has an extensive range of motion, it can be prone to injury.

Symptoms of neck pain often include;ย 

  • Tight muscles that restrict movementย 
  • Pain that travels
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Sharp neck pain

Treatment with neck pain includes manual therapy such as; massage, joint mobilisation or manipulation, exercise therapy, and advice beyond the treatment session.ย 

Getting expert help can put you on the right track to a happy, healthy and pain-free life.

While some minor pains can be fixed easily, ongoing headaches and migraines may have a more serious underlying problem. If you suffer from this pain regularly or it interferes with your daily life, it is essential to seek help.

One way to help find a solution and ease the symptoms is through Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy treatment is an effective tool in treating headaches caused by musculoskeletal dysfunction, such as cervical headaches caused by neck dysfunction or tension headaches from muscle strain. Sports & Spinal have Physiotherapists with additional training in headaches and migraines.

Our headache Physiotherapists will assess you to locate the potential source of the problem and identify how best to fix it or ease the symptoms.

Treatment with neck pain includes manual therapy such as; massage, joint mobilisation or manipulation, exercise therapy, and advice beyond the treatment session.

Sports and Spinal provide quality and experienced management options for Shoulder Rehabilitation and Shoulder Pain. The key to effective shoulder pain treatment is an accurate diagnosis.

Sports & Spinal Shoulder Physiotherapists can assist with Chronic Shoulder Pain and Stiffness, AC Joint Injuries, Subacromial Bursitis, Tendon Pathologies, Shoulder Muscle Spasm and Tension, Rotator Cuff Disorders such as Tears and Strains, Frozen Shoulder and Arthritis of the Shoulder.

Treatment will include:

  • Hands-on therapy
  • Education on biomechanics & posture
  • Advice for optimising the function of your shoulders
  • Specifically tailored exercise programs that are customised to meet your individual needs.

Plus many more techniques to provide optimal care on your rehabilitation journey.

Hand Therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an accredited physiotherapist with unique knowledge and training in treating problems specific to the hand & upper limb. Rehabilitation enables patients to fasten their return to a productive, active lifestyle after injury.

Patients who are candidates for hand therapy may have difficulty using their hands for regular daily tasks or have an injury that prevents them from doing heavy lifting, driving, gripping or fine motor tasks.

Some common symptoms of a hand injury that therapists can treat include; stiffness, weakness, wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or even amputations of the fingers, hands or arms. Others include patients who suffer from conditions such as wrist pain or tennis elbow and chronic problems such as arthritis or persistent pain.

Hand therapy provides:

  • Accurate diagnosis & treatment of hand, wrist & elbow problems
  • Custom-orthotic fabrication (usually made from thermoplastic material)
  • Help with pain or stiffness in the hand, wrist & elbow.
  • Exercise prescription & strengthening programs for regaining full function
  • Regaining movement, strength & dexterity in the upper limb after surgery
  • Help to reduce sensitivity from nerve problems.
  • Help to get back to work & sport with the best recovery.
  • Help foster a supportive and clear communication link between surgeon and GP for best treatment and successful outcomes for the patient involved.

If surgery is needed, hand therapists can also help with a patientโ€™s recovery. This may include helping wounds heal, splinting, scar management and reducing swelling.

The conditions that a hand therapist can assist include:

  • Flexor and Extensor Tendon repairs
  • Finger sprains / dislocation
  • Wrist fractures & injury
  • TFCC damage
  • Wrist instability & pain with loading
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis


  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Chronic, overuse conditions
  • Elbow fracture post-immobilisation rehabilitation


  • Neurological changes in upper limb function
  • Trauma to the arm after an accident
  • Surgical post-operative rehabilitation

BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) is one of the most common causes of dizziness, affecting up to 50% of patients over the age of 70. The biomechanical condition is caused by the dislodgement of calcium carbonate crystals into the region of the inner ear with the sensory organs, triggering the sensation of vertigo. Physiotherapy can be remarkably effective in treating BPPV and assessments are available in our physiotherapy practices.

Physiotherapist performs non-invasive tests such as the Dix- Hallpike test to confirm a BPPV diagnosis and to determine which ear is affected. The type of nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) observed will also identify which canal(s) is/are involved.

The dizziness resulting from BPPV can be dramatically relieved by specific techniques performed by a skilled physiotherapist that use the forces of gravity to reposition the displaced calcium carbonate crystals out of the sensory areas of the canals in the inner ear.

Standard physiotherapy treatment uses a sequence of repositioning manoeuvres โ€“ such as the Epley, Semont or Lempert โ€“ to move the crystals out of the semi-circular canal.

Once the primary cause is addressed, physiotherapy treatment may involve a targeted exercise program to reduce the patientโ€™s vertiginous in response to certain positional changes such as bending forward and looking up. Targeted balance training may be offered to patients with any residual balance defects. Exercises such as Brandt Daroff exercises may be prescribed for patient self-management.

Other inner ear disorders for which vestibular rehabilitation can offer improved outcomes include vestibular neuronitis/labyrinthitis; acoustic neuroma (post-op); oto-toxicity; movement-induced dizziness and Meniereโ€™s disease.

Vestibular rehabilitation can help address these vestibular system disorders and restore the best use of the remaining vestibular function by teaching unaffected balance mechanisms to take over the function or teaching other parts of the body to compensate. Let our highly skilled professionals be part of the treatment plan for your BPPV.

Dizziness is one of the most common complaints patients take to the doctor and occurs more frequently as people age. Physiotherapists have the skills to perform highly specificย techniques which can cure the majority of patients suffering from BPPV in a single treatment.

Clicking, locking or pain? Grinding your teeth? Do you hate going to the dentist or struggle to eat your favourite food?

TMJ Dysfunction is:

  • Teeth Grinding/clenching
  • Clicking
  • Popping
  • Limited range of movement and ability to open
  • Unable to fully clench your jaw
  • ย Tenderness around the Jaw
  • Teadaches, ear pain, dizziness and upper neck pain.

Jaw (TMJ) problems are more common than many people think. These problems tend to build up over many years and can affect the quality of life in many different ways. TMJ can cause headaches, dizziness, upper neck pain and ear pain. Some of our patients have also reported pain or inability to move or clench their jaw completely. Ear ringing (tinnitus) might also be related to TMJ dysfunction.

If youโ€™re unsure how to treat your TMJ, we suggest speaking to one of our Sports & Spinal physiotherapists. Together with your dentist, we can assess your condition and begin corrective treatment if appropriate.

Chronic or persistent pain is an area of rehabilitation that is challenging and satisfying, as new approaches offer hope. Chronic pain patients often present with;

  • A long history of pain
  • Adjoining mental health deterioration
  • Failed numerous rehab programs,
  • Flared up with standard rehabilitation approaches
  • Intense fear and paranoia to exercise
  • A cocktail of medications to control their symptoms,
  • Poor long term prognosis

Statistics from the Pain Management Research Institute at the University of Sydney show that 1 in 5 people in Australia is in a chronic pain state, including adolescents and children, 1 in 3 people aged over 65.

Current literature advocates treating chronic pain with a multidisciplinary team. This includes a Pain Specialist, General Practitioner, Physiotherapist, Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist, and Occupational therapist or social worker. The team needs to be interactive, approachable and available. Importantly, as a team, a consistent message is delivered to the patient.

The Physiotherapists role involves Education, Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) and Normalising movement patterns.

Prehabilitation programs can be a successful pre-surgical intervention option to reduce post-surgical inpatient stays, helps improve post-surgical outcomes and improve recovery times. It is therefore recommended that you take part in a specifically prescribed rehab program prior to surgery to increase muscle strength and reduce the chance that you will require extended inpatient rehabilitation prior to being discharged home after surgery.

The goal of a post-surgery physiotherapy program is to help you return to physical function. Surgery without rehabilitation can often lead to poor results. Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy can help you achieve a successful post-operative result with effective evidence-based rehabilitation.

Our sports therapists work with local, national and international level athletes from various disciplines. Whether itโ€™s getting an Olympian back into peak shape for a pinnacle event or helping a weekend warrior smash out their PB, we are equipped to help you return to performing at your best.

Dry Needling is a useful modality that provides a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions assisting in pain relief and injury rehabilitation. Below is a list of the most commonly treated conditions;

  • Back Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Elbow Pain
  • Achilles Injuries
  • Hip and Leg Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sinus troubles
  • Musculoskeletal Injuries/Muscle/Joint Pain

Trigger point needling is where a needle is poked in and out of the trigger point quickly (like pecking) to stimulate a twitch response to reset the muscle spindle. It is very uncomfortable and can leave the patient feeling quite sore (aching) for anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days following this type of needling. It is used more in chronic conditions eg a runner who continues to get tight calf muscles, overactive gluteals in low back pain etc.

For more information as to whether dry needling or trigger point needling can help you, please ask your physiotherapist.

services & FACILITIES

  • On-Site Parking (5 spaces)
  • Street Parking
  • Gym Equipment
  • NDIS Registered
  • Medicare Rebates
  • HICAPS Health Fund Claims


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Johnny Mulherin


Johnny is a enthusiastic and driven physiotherapist that graduated from James Cook University in 2019. Starting in private practice in Mackay, Johnnyโ€™s primary areas of expertise are in musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapy while also providing tailored care for clients under the NDIS. His passion lies in helping clients achieve unique and ambitious goals, whether itโ€™s returning to running, learning to kayak, or picking up fishing again โ€“ no matter how impossible those goals may seem.

In 2022, Johnny took on the role of Clinical Mentor and Sports Medicine Coordinator for the Solomon Islands Institute of Sport, supporting athletes in over 22 sports during their preparation for the 2023 Pacific Games. This involved physio treatment tables setup underneath coconut trees many times, a career highlight for him. Johnny is also a qualified Australian Strength and Conditioning Level 1 Coach and is trained in Western Acupuncture and Dry Needling.

His interest areas also extend to occupational health, where he is dedicated to promoting injury prevention and helping individuals return to work and daily life with strength and confidence. When heโ€™s not working, Johnny enjoys rugby league, scuba diving, and trying to get his garden going

Johnny is available for physiotherapy consults at Beenleigh Sports & Spinal.

Tim Dunstone

Sports Physiotherapist

Tim Dunstone gained his initial physiotherapy qualification in Adelaide from the renowned School of Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia. He worked in Adelaide in both private practice and onsite in the industrial setting (in the automotive industry) for a few years. Tim served the professionโ€™s peak association, the Australian Physiotherapy Association, on the SA Branch Council for four years.

Tim then moved to Sydney and completed two masters degrees in sports and manipulative physiotherapy and taught musculoskeletal physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. He conducted biomechanical research into low back injuries in elite rowers in the School of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of Sydney for three years. He was the Dean of St Andrewโ€™s College at the University of Sydney for eight years and Dean of St Johnโ€™s College at the University of Queensland for four years.

Tim rowed and coxed to a national level with the Adelaide Rowing Club. He has since coached rowing to an elite level with the South Australian Sports Institute, the Sydney University Rowing Club, Wilderness School, and the first eight at Scotch College in Adelaide. He has recently coached rowing for the last five years at the UQ Boat Club.

In his spare time, Tim enjoyed singing with the Sydney Philharmonia Choir for eight years, who are the resident chorus of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, frequently performing in the Sydney Opera House. His performances with the Sydney Philharmonia included a tour of the UK in 2010, singing Maherโ€™s 8th at the Royal Albert Hall on the opening night of the BBC Proms Series, in addition to concerts at Westminster Abbey, St Paulโ€™s Cathedral, and Australia House.

He has been the physiotherapist for elite soccer, cricket, and rowing teams, and has more than seventeen years of private practice clinical experience. Tim is one of only 201 physiotherapists in Australia, who are dual-titled members of the APA, as both an APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist and an APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. In 2020 Tim was made a Member of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. He is also a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland. Tim is married with two young daughters.

Tim is available for Physiotherapy appointments at our Beenleigh clinic

Nita Hargovan


Having completed her Physiotherapy degree at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) in 2001, Nita joins our team with a wealth of experience in many areas of physiotherapy.

Nita has worked in private practice for most of her career. Her long-term interest is treating musculoskeletal conditions, with a passion for helping her patients reach their optimal function. In addition to symptom relief, her treatments aim to prevent recurrence through individualised exercises and education. Nita believes that empowering her patients and working closely with each individualโ€™s goals is key to attaining a desirable outcome.
Nitaโ€™s special interest is treating patients with neck and back pain. Furthermore, patients who experience headaches due to muscular and postural strain is her area of expertise. She is also able to assist patients with sports injuries and post-surgical rehabilitation. Excellent results are achieved through a detailed assessment combined with various treatment techniques, including soft-tissue release, electrotherapy, Dry-Needling and Kinesio-Taping. Nita is an avid learner and completed a course in Business Management in 2014 at Wits Business School, South Africa.

She is also a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APC), AHPRA and the Health Professional Council in South Africa.
A balanced lifestyle is important to her, and she enjoys exercising. She was awarded her South African Table-Tennis colours in 1997.

Nita is available for physiotherapy appointments at our Beenleigh and Woolloongabba clinics.

Sports & Spinal Beenleigh
Based on 27 reviews
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Very professional and courteous. I have been treated by Tim, who is an excellent physio.
I am very grateful for the service i have received at Sports and Spinal Beenleigh . Reception have been absolutely wonderful to deal with. Patrick has helped me heal from a total knee reconstruction. I highly recommend him if you are looking for a really skilled professional remedial masseuse. I will definitely be using him again in the future. Many thanks to the Clinic.
The staff are so friendly, receptionists are lovely and physio knew exactly how to help me and both my boys all for different needs . He was great and very caring towards my kids and explained everything to us in easy to understand terms.I highly recommend Sports and Spinal Beenleigh :)
Highly recommend this great friendly team.
This physio is very good, I am treated by Tim who used to be an athlete himself and I have heard that he used to bench over 300kg for full sets. I would have to say I think that if I were to reccomend people to come here I would recommend Annaliese however the whole staff here is actually very good
Great clinic and wonderful practitioners
Clinton helped sort out my neck and wrist pain. Heโ€™s very insightful and knowledgeable. He gave me the exact exercises I need and the results came immediately. Heโ€™s a pro at what he does, and I highly recommend booking with him.(Photo below: Clinton assessed that the muscles running down my forearm pulls on my wrist. He carefully inserted needles and the discomfort went away when he took the needles out)
Very happy with my EP, enjoyable sessions, make you sweat. Giddy up
Very happy with my knee treatment by Clinton (physiotherapist). His treatment was thorough and effective; would definitely recommend.
Amazing! Professional! Experienced! Reception are fantastic facility is perfect. Culture is family based and supportive. Tim is a fantastic physiotherapiist who is educated and passionate

Don't forget we're offering half price Initial School Shoe Reviews across our Sports & Spinal clinics!๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ

Our shoe review includes: 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Foot Assessment 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Walking Assessment 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Assessment of last year's footwear 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Recommendations for best shoes 

Get the right school shoe advice from the Sports & Spinal Podiatry team today!



Don`t forget we`re offering half price Initial School Shoe Reviews across our Sports & Spinal clinics!๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธโ€โžก๏ธ

Our shoe review includes:
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Foot Assessment
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Walking Assessment
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Assessment of last year`s footwear
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Recommendations for best shoes

Get the right school shoe advice from the Sports & Spinal Podiatry team today!



1 0
New Clinic Announcement!๐ŸŽ‰
We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a new clinic location in Brisbane! Mt Gravatt Sports & Spinal is set to open it's doors on February 3rd, stay tuned for more details!

New Clinic Announcement!๐ŸŽ‰
We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a new clinic location in Brisbane! Mt Gravatt Sports & Spinal is set to open it`s doors on February 3rd, stay tuned for more details!

16 2
@sportsandspinalcaloundra getting it done ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
How far do you think you could go?

@sportsandspinalcaloundra getting it done ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
How far do you think you could go?

17 0
Book with our Podiatry Team today and receive 50% OFF your childโ€™s Annual Foot Health Check & Footwear Review!๐ŸŽ‰

The Podiatry team at Sports & Spinal can help you understand your childโ€™s feet better and provide you with professional advice on how to support their long-term foot, leg and ankle health. 

Get your kids in shoes that are right for them! ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ


Book with our Podiatry Team today and receive 50% OFF your childโ€™s Annual Foot Health Check & Footwear Review!๐ŸŽ‰

The Podiatry team at Sports & Spinal can help you understand your childโ€™s feet better and provide you with professional advice on how to support their long-term foot, leg and ankle health.

Get your kids in shoes that are right for them! ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ


0 0
Celebrating the heroes behind healthy living! ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŽ 

Happy World Dietitian Day to all our incredible Dietitians who guide our communities toward balanced nutrition and better health!

Have you had a good experience with a Sports & Spinal Dietitian? Let us know in the comments!๐Ÿ‘‡

Celebrating the heroes behind healthy living! ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŽ

Happy World Dietitian Day to all our incredible Dietitians who guide our communities toward balanced nutrition and better health!

Have you had a good experience with a Sports & Spinal Dietitian? Let us know in the comments!๐Ÿ‘‡

2 0
Start the year in comfort and style! โœจ
Across our Sports & Spinal clinics we sell a wide range of @archiesfootwear ๐Ÿฉด 

Whether itโ€™s a pair for the kids, partner, mum and dad or yourself! Archieโ€™s provide the ultimate in arch support and comfort. Check in with your local Sports & Spinal clinic today with what stock they have available ๐Ÿ’™

Start the year in comfort and style! โœจ
Across our Sports & Spinal clinics we sell a wide range of @archiesfootwear ๐Ÿฉด

Whether itโ€™s a pair for the kids, partner, mum and dad or yourself! Archieโ€™s provide the ultimate in arch support and comfort. Check in with your local Sports & Spinal clinic today with what stock they have available ๐Ÿ’™

2 0
It can be stressful shopping for new school shoes because thereโ€™s a few considerations like price, quality, support and of course something your child will wear (without an argument). 

The Podiatry team at Sports & Spinal can help! Our team can recommend and prescribe the best footwear for your kids. 

Book in for a discounted Annual Foot Health Check & Footwear Review! 
Our annual check-up includes: 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Foot Assessment 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Walking Assessment 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Assessment of last year's footwear 
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Recommendations for best shoes 

Book an appointment with our team today to ensure your child can leap into 2024 with well-fitting shoes! 



It can be stressful shopping for new school shoes because thereโ€™s a few considerations like price, quality, support and of course something your child will wear (without an argument).

The Podiatry team at Sports & Spinal can help! Our team can recommend and prescribe the best footwear for your kids.

Book in for a discounted Annual Foot Health Check & Footwear Review!
Our annual check-up includes:
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Foot Assessment
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Walking Assessment
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Assessment of last year`s footwear
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Recommendations for best shoes

Book an appointment with our team today to ensure your child can leap into 2024 with well-fitting shoes!



0 0
Bring on 2025 ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ช
We cannot wait to provide the highest quality allied health services throughout Southeast Queensland in 2025!

Bring on 2025 ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ช
We cannot wait to provide the highest quality allied health services throughout Southeast Queensland in 2025!

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