A women wearing black and pink shoes playing tennis on a brown court

From May 24 to 30 it is Exercise Right Week! Exercise Right Week aims at raising awareness of the benefits that exercise has for both your health and wellbeing. The campaign also looks to help Australian’s better understand how to get the ‘right’ advice for their individual health needs.

So, with exercise being the theme of this week it seems fitting to talk about all things Exercise Physiologists (EP’s) and how they can help you.

EP’s, Who and What are They?

Exercise Physiologists (EPs) are experts in delivering exercise and lifestyle modification programs that help to improve people’s health. For these guys, exercise is medicine! ⁠

EPs are university qualified allied health professionals. They are equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions.

Such exercise interventions are developed for people with acute, subacute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities. Exercise Physiologists are commonly confused with personal trainers but there are key differences between them!

👉 EPs are university qualified. ⁠

👉 They are subject to strict accreditation requirements. ⁠

👉 EPs know how to set goals and maintain motivation. ⁠

👉 They can treat and work with all types of people. ⁠

Who Do EP’s Treat?

EPs treat conditions such as:

  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic
  • Neurological & Musculoskeletal
  • Oncology & Kidney
  • Respiratory & Pulmonary
  • Chronic pain & Women’s & men’s health
  • Bone health & balance mental health
  • Disabilities, and many more

EPs tend to use a more A “hands-off” approach with more of a focus on long term rehabilitation/later stage of rehab. Prescribe safe, tailored, effective & clinically justified exercise interventions.

Sports and Spinal EP’s are your go-to service providers when it comes to the prescription of exercise. If you want to take charge of your health and exercise routine call your nearest Sports and Spinal clinic to see how we can help. Or head on over to our website to learn more.