The proportion of males meeting the dietary guideline for daily vegetable intake (4.1%) is less than half the proportion of females (10.9%). Our Dietitian team, explains how men can easily incorporate a greater variety of fruit and vegetables into their diets.
It is well known that men seek help and utilize health services far less compared to women. There is often a stigma around health and diet for men, due to social constructs regarding “masculine” behaviours and as a result, can act as a barrier to men taking control of their diet or seeking support.
This is an important factor considering that Australian men die from preventable lifestyle diseases more often than women. But there is good news as diet is the most modifiable risk factor that men can improve to have a positive impact on their health.
Men, start living your best life now! You can begin to make a difference as soon as your next meal is today. Increasing your vegetable intake contributes towards optimal health, improved quality of life, and reduces your risk of developing preventable chronic lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease & type 2 diabetes.
What is the daily recommendation?
- 5 serves per day.
What is a serve?
- ½ cup cooked green/orange veg (e.g. broccoli, green beans, carrots, pumpkin).
- 1 cup green leafy/salad veg.
- 1 tomato.
- ½ cup of corn.
- Fist-sized potato.
- ½ cup cooked/canned legumes (e.g. lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans).
What are some ways to increase vegetable intake?
- Bulk out sandwiches/rolls with more salad veg, choose ones that you enjoy.
- Opt for avocado instead of butter.
- Add ½ cup veg (mushroom, tomato, spinach) to an omelette for breakfast
- Jazz up your toast with avocado, sliced tomato, mushrooms, or baked beans.
- Grate vegetables and add canned lentils into meals like spaghetti bolognese or lasagna. Not only does this increase vegetable intake, but it also stretches your meals further saving you $$$ and providing you with leftovers for lunch the next day!
- If you’re pressed for time, microwaveable vegetables are really convenient and just as nutritious as their fresh equivalent.
- Aim to fill ½ your plate with vegetables at mealtimes
- Make them tasty! – sautee in olive oil/sesame oil with garlic, drizzle in lemon and pepper, sprinkle with low-fat cheese, roast in the oven, or cook on the BBQ to add amazing flavour!

Making these small changes to your diet can dramatically improve your health and well-being. If you need more assistance in making these changes and sticking to them, contact our Dietitians and see how they can help you!