Men’s Health
What is Frailty and How Can a Dietitian Help?
What is frailty? Frailty is a medical condition in older adults where reduced strength, fatigue, and slower movements increase their...
Why it is important to see a Podiatrist to help choose your next exercise shoes?
Choosing an exercise shoe can feel overwhelming as you can have hundreds of them staring down at you when you...
A Podiatrist’s Waaaaay Too Early – Top Back to School Footwear Tips
As the new school year approaches, it's important to start thinking about foot health, especially for children who will be...
A Recipe for Becoming a Better Runner: Insights from a Sports Podiatrist
By Daniel Holmes – Senior Podiatrist with Podiatry @ Sports & Spinal Running is an incredibly accessible sport that can...
Management of Plantar Heel Pain: Evidence-based Best Practice Guide for our Podiatrists In a systematic review (a review of high...
Ergonomic Health
Did you know that Sports & Spinal offers Workplace Assessments? Our team are qualified in prescribing and implementing healthy workplace...
Unlock Your Full Potential @ Morayfield Sports & Spinal
Are you tired of living with pain and discomfort that restrict your ability to enjoy life to the fullest? Look...
Shin Splints – What are Are They & How Can They Be Treated?
Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, is a common injury among athletes and runners that causes pain...
Dietitian Tip – Managing Coeliac Disease
Have you been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease? Here are my top three tips to manage your condition: Completely remove all...
Are You Going Too Hard Too Fast?
How many times have you started a 'Health Kick' with the best intentions only to crash just after 1-2 weeks...